
Salem Arts Assoc. Members’ Showcase

The Salem Art Association is presenting its Members’ Showcase running from the opening reception on Friday, November 9 until December 14, 2018. There is no theme this time. Since members have been asked to submit their best and favorite work, there is a wonderful variety of subjects, mediums and styles.

My entry for this show is my painting, The Silversmith, a large watercolor. It is framed in an elaborate antique frame I found in my attic when I bought my house — just like in a movie! One of the reasons I decided to enter this painting right now is in response to the recent terrible massacre at a Pittsburg synagogue. If only we could all see the humanity in each other.

The Salem Arts Association gallery is located at 211 Bridge Street, Salem, MA. Gallery hours are Saturdays and Sundays from noon until 5:00 p.m.