Although I never had a chance to be in a movie, one of my art creations might! Imagine my surprise when I found out that one of my Ladies of Salem, the one I designed for Cabot Money Management in Salem, had been moved from her perch on Essex Street in Salem. The Salem Beautification Committee has paired local artists with sponsoring businesses to decorate figureheads in all different ways. The figureheads are replicas of the Jenny Lind figurehead which graced the prow of the Salem ship Friendship.
My daughter spotted my Lady outside the Mugford Eatery, 114 Washington St., Marblehead, MA. The production crew had installed her as part of their amazing Halloween decorations in downtown Marblehead, ready for the filming of Hubie Halloween starring Adam Sandler. No effort was spared by the makers of the movie to plaster the town with Halloween and turn summer in Marblehead into Salem on October 31.
Here’s hoping any scenes with my figurehead make the cut!