The GALA Call for Art described the theme for their current show this way:
“In this exhibit we are looking for submissions that question or describe duality.
There are always two sides to every story. Most people have two sides to their personality. You might want to suppress the so-called “bad” side. This leads to repression. Are you angry, sad, disappointed in life, love, etc. What are your conflicts and how do you resolve them? How do you find balance in your life and find joy? At certain points in our lives we have to decide: Should I leave or stay? Should I change my profession? Should I leave a relationship? We are conflicted. How do we resolve these conflicts? There are also broader entry-points to the theme of duality such as: yin and yang, night and day, good and evil, right and wrong, hot and cold, which you could explore. Let’s see how you work this out as a visual artist. Express yourself and it might resolve some issues or connect with your viewer about a deep iconic duality.”
Could there be a more timely theme for today’s crazy world? Artwork in the exhibit will include photographs, painting, drawing, sculpture, collage, and electronic art. All mediums are included: oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel and more. My entry in the exhibit is titled Cadillac Mountaintop View. It was done on location at Acadia National Park one sunny day that turned cloudy in the middle of my painting. So the painting shows the duality of the weather as I worked!
The Opening Reception will be held Friday, February 11th, 5:30pm – 7:30pm. And the exhibit ends Thursday, March 24th. Galleries at Lynn Arts (GALA), 25 Exchange Street, Lynn, MA 01901, 617-909-9211