This exhibit is a reaction to the color or idea(s) of “Green”. Local artists responded to this by creating artwork that features the color or concept Green. According to color psychology the color green is often associated with nature, luck, money, health and envy. The color green is also known to bring us tranquility and also motivate us. What comes to mind for you when you think of the color green? Coincidentally, Earth Day happens to be on April 22nd, 2023, during the time of this exhibit. Celebrate green as a metaphor for the Green Movement as a symbol for saving the environment or part of the planet. Imagine green!
I was happy to have two paintings juried in to this exhibit: Summer Tree, acrylic, 4″ x 12″, $65 and Sheehan’s Pond, oil, 16″ x 20″, $300. Summer Tree was inspired by the sunlight shining through the leaves of the trees around my house and by the breeze making those leaves dance gently.
My oil painting, Sheehan’s Pond, was inspired by a painting demonstration by the popular local artist, Dennis Sheehan. He uses a technique where, using just a few colors, he smears paint randomly on a canvas using paper towels! Then he looks at the shapes that were made to see if any images begin emerge and uses a brush to bring that image out.
For Sheehan’s Pond, I used two colors of oil paint — alizarin crimson, and phthalo green and smeared them randomly around the canvas with paper towels. Magically, the beginning of an image of a misty New England pine forest surrounding a little pond emerged! With the addition of titanium white to tone down the sky and water, and to add some mist, I used a medium sized brush to bring out the finer features of the trees. Voila!
The exhibit with remain at Galleries of Lynn Arts (GALA) at 25 Exchange Street, Lynn, Massachusetts 01901 from April 7 until May 17, 2023. The entire show can also be visited, and paintings can be purchased, virtually at by clicking Exhibit, then Green. For gallery hours, please call 617-909-9211.