
Lucky the Lobster

One thing that I really like to do is paint outdoor murals. The combination of fresh air and the chance to interact with bypasses makes this activity a lot of fun. In the past, I have painted boxes in Salem, Peabody, and Melrose; and I am thrilled to have a chance to paint a box in Swampscott, MA.

My newest box is an homage to the new Swampscott Elementary School. The Town recently completed building the new school which will house the children from 3 elementary schools in Swampscott. The kids needed to put their heads together, take a vote, and choose among the various nominees put forth by the school kids — including blue shrimp, blue seal, blue lobster, and others. I think you can guess that the school color is blue!

The winner was a Blue Lobster! I was inspired to use a blue lobster in my design for the utility box at Vinnen Square on Paradise Road, Swampscott. The design also includes happy red crabs, yellow star fish, schools of swimming orange fish, and friendly sea horses. I call it Lucky Blue Lobster because the kids are lucky to have a beautiful new school, and the Town is lucky to have such smart kids with the ability to come to a happy agreement.

The box is located on the Marshall’s/ Petco/ CVS side of Paradise Road, Swampscott.