
Love: 2/1-3/14/25

The Danvers Art Association is proud to present a new exhibition of art by local artists! The theme of the show, Love, can be interpreted by the artists in many ways — romantic love, friendship, dedication to an idea or passion, and much more. It will be fun to see the many pieces on display in an array of subjects, styles, and mediums — so many ways to depict the idea of Love.

My painting in the exhibit is titled Gloucester Dahlias. It is a 12″ x 24″ x 1.5″ acrylic painting on deep stretched canvas. The vertical format reflects the tall, lovely dahlias blowing in the sea breezes. This painting was completed en plein air along the Sea Walk in Gloucester where the local garden club plants an amazing display and variety of dahlias. The flowers are growing in the separate gardens all along the walkway from State Fort Park all the way up to the end of the walk way near downtown Gloucester. Some of the gardens feature one color of flowers and others present a mixed array. The splendid and lush variety of dahlias mixed with a few other plants draws many viewers to stroll the walkway and enjoy the hard work of the gardeners. I hope you will visit my website SheilaBillings.com to view more of my artwork!

Every week in the nice weather, I visit various stunning locations in Cape Ann to paint outside with some of my artist friends. The amazing dahlias and perfect autumn weather drew us back for two weeks. I painted this vertical piece on my first day, and it was a splendid day. Droves of people stopped by to chat as I worked. Bees and butterflies flitted giddily among the nectar-filled riches before them. And I was truly in heaven.

The Love exhibition can be viewed during regular library hours in the elegant Standring Room at the Peabody Institute Library of Danvers, 15 Sylvan Street, Danvers, MA 01923. The artwork shows especially well in this fireplaced room with elaborate carved molding and huge windows. All are welcome to stop by and no appointment is necessary. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite piece of art in the show for the People’s Choice Award!

An Opening Reception from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. on February 1 gave the judge, Rosalie Sidoti a chance to talk about her choices for awards in the exhibition. Ms. Sidoti is a national award-winning artist herself and a respected fixture in the North Shore and Cape Ann art scene. You can visit her website at rosaliesidoti.com!


