For the first time, I will be showing my artwork at the Topsfield Fair. At 199 years, it is the oldest country fair in America! This year’s fair will be held September 28 through October 8 and will open at 10:00 a.m. daily. Some of my Celtic artwork is being exhibited at the Coolidge Building in the professional division. Prints and small originals will be on sale in the art show gift shop. Shown: Celtic Cockatoo, 8″ x 10″, colored pencil and ink. Matted and framed.
The colorful and often exciting history of Topsfield Fair began in 1818 when the Essex Agricultural Society, the non-profit organization that owns the Topsfield Fair, was officially granted a charter on June 12th of that year.
The goal of the fledgling Society, formed by a group of “practical farmers” who first met on February 16, 1818, was “to promote and improve the agricultural interests of farmers and others in Essex County.”
Now, nearly 200 years later, the Society still strives to do this, “to encourage, promote and preserve Essex County agricultural activities and to educate the general public regarding their importance in an atmosphere of fun and excitement through the medium of the Topsfield Fair.”