
Let Us Remember

My newest utility box is finished and you can see it at the corner of Essex Street and Danvers Road in Swampscott, MA. The box is located at a beautiful monument to the memory of Jared Raymond, a native son of Swampscott, who perished in battle in Iraq at the age of 20 years old. He gave his life for his country and made the ultimate sacrifice.

The design for the utility box mural was inspired by the World War I poem, In Flanders Fields by Canadian physician Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae. He was inspired to write it on May 3, 1915 after presiding over the funeral of a fallen soldier. I was deeply touched by this poem when I first heard it from my grandfather, a World War I veteran. The red poppies were everywhere when I was a girl, worn by people to remember those who died to help keep our country safe for democracy.

The utility box was on the grounds of a beautiful monument that was built in memory of Jared Raymond, and I felt it did not do the sacred and solemn location justice with its plain beige exterior. I wanted to do more, and the Town of Swampscott okayed my plan. The design shows rolling hills of poppies with the ocean in the background, a nod to Swampscott’s seaside location where Jared grew up. The U.S. flag flies proudly on both sides of the box, flying over the flags representing the branches of the U.S. military: Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Space Force, and also the POW/MIA flag. Thus, it honors not only Jared, but also all the brave veterans who gave their all to protect us.