
GALA Member Show

GALA (The Galleries at LynnArts) is sponsoring an Autumn Member Show at their beautiful downtown Lynn Galleries, and my painting has been juried in! Come down to the Opening Reception on Friday evening November 1, 2024 and it is open to the public. As always, there will be lovely refreshments and music. A donation is requested to help GALA continue its work of showcasing the work of local artists. This exhibit will run until December 13, 2024.

My painting, Pumpkin Delivery (acrylic on canvas, 8″ x 10″) was painted on location at Russell Orchards, Ipswich, MA. Shown is a picture of me taken by a professional photographer passing through (probably on his way to nab a delicious cider donut!). I belong to a group of plein air painters who gather weekly at various lovely Cape Ann locations to enjoy the fresh air and paint the scene. We were so engaged with Russell Orchards that we went there three weeks in a row. And I painted this adorable red truck every time! I couldn’t get enough of it filled to the brim with ripe orange pumpkins.

The Galleries at LynnArts (GALA) is a Collaborative Nonprofit Art Gallery led by local artists and creatives. GALA supports artists at all career stages, offering artistic practice development, professional presentation, and exhibition opportunities. Our organization promotes and sells artwork, honors diverse makers, and supports the whole artist through skills growth, well-being, and fostering a healthy art community. We feature group and solo exhibitions as well as a gallery shop showcasing North Shore artists and makers. By providing safe spaces, economic opportunities, engaging receptions and events, and partnering with local organizations, GALA brings people together to connect and grow.

I hope you can come by the GALA at 25 Exchange St., Lynn, MA to enjoy the work of local member artists!


The Lure of the Local

The Lure of the Local exhibit at Galleries at Lynn Arts (GALA) looks to showcase local artists and their favorite local places and people. Paintings and photographs filled the gallery with images of downtown, Lynn Woods, and more to celebrate each artists’ “special local place”. The exhibit displays works in many mediums and styles.

My piece in the exhibit is Marsh Reeds, acrylic, 16×20″ and was painted en plein air at the marsh behind Woodman’s in Essex. A delightful lunch at Woodman’s obviously followed!

For more information please visit galleriesatlynnarts.org. Galleries at Lynn Arts is located at 25 Exchange Street, Lynn, MA 01901. Telephone: 617-909-9211


Monday: By appointment or by chance

Tuesday: By appointment or by chance

Wednesday: 2:00pm – 6:00pm

Thursday: 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Friday: 2:00pm – 6:00pm

Saturday: 12:00pm – 5:00pm

Sunday: By appointment or by chance


Inspired By Word Exhibit

Galleries at Lynn Arts (GALA) offers a new exhibit of work inspired by written, sung, and spoken words. My entry in the show was inspired by one of my favorite songs, Deep Purple. I have always liked the soft, relaxing sound of the music and the romantic lyrics which were written in the 1930s and covered by many musicians since then. My painting, Purple Twilight captures the magic of a warm spring evening as the sun sets and the full moon rises, reflecting in the gentle ripples of the water and glowing through the emerging leaves on the trees. It is done in acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas and is 16″ x 20″.

Galleries at Lynn Arts (GALA) presents an opening reception Friday, September 1 from 5:30-7:30 for “Inspired by Word” Exhibit. GALA openings are open to the public and offer beautiful art, good conversation with interesting people, music, food, and usually other surprises. The show runs from September 1 through October 22, 2023. Gallery hours are Monday, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Tuesdays and Sundays by appointment. GALA is located at 9/1-10/22/23. GALA’s lovely galleries are located at 25 Exchange St., Lynn, MA www.galleriesatlynnarts.org


Wonder & Whimsy 7/21-8/19/23

Galleries at Lynn Arts (GALA) have invited member artists to exhibit work that fits the theme, Wonder & Whimsy: Portal to the Fey Realm. They sought artwork hat represented powerful feelings and deep yearnings, as well as subjects that are highly prized in the Fey Realm such as mushrooms, flowers, etc.

I was happy to have three paintings juried into the exhibit, all very small acrylic paintings which fit the fairy theme: Moondance, Fairy Garden, and Honeysuckles.

Moondance, acrylic, 6 x 6” This happy little painting was inspired by Van Morrison’s song of the same name. It has always been a favorite of mine; when I hear it I am transported to a dark, moonlit summer night where anything wonderful can happen, where fairies dance on trees and the summer breeze makes me want to dance too.

Fairy Garden, acrylic, 6”x 6”. My garden is one of my favorite places, and I spend many hours there planting flowers and tending to them. It seems the fairies also spend hours there because I constantly find lovely compositions of graceful ferns, mysterious mushrooms, and tiny wildflowers popping up overnight. Here is one, I was inspired to go outside and paint.

Honeysuckles, acrylic, 6” x 6”. It has been said that good fences make good neighbors. Well, I guess it is true because my good neighbor is growing the most gorgeous honeysuckle vine that drapes over her fence into my garden. This magnificent plant attracts legions of butterflies and hummingbirds giving endless pleasure to me and my grandchildren. They youngest ones believe that fairies sew dresses from the petals, and what fashion-conscious fairy wouldn’t do so? I was inspired to create this little outside in my garden one fine day.

The exhibit will run from the opening reception on Friday, July 21, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. until August 19, 2023.

The reception is open to the public, donations are requested to help support the work of GALA in the community. There will be food and music and all-round merriment! 

As a nonprofit, GALA depends on your generous support to continually produce exceptional art events that benefit artists, businesses, students, visitors, and the City of Lynn. Something amazing has been created here two years ago! $5, $10,  $15 … anything helps.

GALA’s beautiful galleries are located at 25 Exchange Street, Lynn, MA. Call us at 617-909-9211.


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday — 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday & Sunday : By appointment or by chance

Saturday — 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.