I am so happy to have been invited to join a group of plein air painters based in Gloucester, MA! These talented artists meet each Tuesday morning at various locations around Cape Ann to paint, then they meet at noon for a critique session.
Sometimes they are able to obtain permission to paint in locations not usually open to the public. So far, I have been able to meet with them to paint on the grounds of the Eastern Point Yacht Club where I was excited to be close enough to the Eastern Point Light House to get some details I could not see when painting it before. (Painting shown: Eastern Point Light House, acrylic, 10″ x 20″) We also met in a private area of Rust Island, and I was relieved when the drizzle held off long enough to allow me to paint Cormorant Cove.
On a really hot day, we painted at Cripple Cove in Gloucester. The tide was low and the view was of many moored boats. The day we painted on Bear Skin Neck in Rockport was just the opposite – cold, damp, and very windy. I had to abandon my half-finished painting of Motif #1 for another day! My fingers were getting stiff from the cold and my canvas would not stay on the easel. On a perfect painting day, we all met at the Gloucester Loop where I had a nice, close view of the Old Paint Factory, and finished the painting.